Alleluia Progressions


40 progressive variations for Piano or Harp, exploring improvisation techniques for both right & left hands.  17 pages.

Published with mechanical license (“Alleluia” by Jerry Sinclair © 1972, Renewed 2000 by Manna Music, Inc., (ASCAP)

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It’s Back to School time! But Back to Lessons is much more fun. Now, would you look forward to your first lesson, knowing your teacher would be giving you exercises? If you’re a strange bird like me, maybe you would….

But what if your teacher gave you an exercise that was a real song, not just a made-up exercise? What if you could use this song when you warm up each day, or when you are asked to play for others?

If you’re a teacher, wouldn’t you rather listen to a song multiple times a day, rather than an exercise? …a song that gave you a springboard to talk about many things, such as hand position, improvisation, musicality and maybe a bit of theory?

Here is a series of 40 Warm-up Progressions, using a simple song called ‘Alleluia’ by Jerry Sinclair. The last two progressions are a duet for teacher and student. Students can create their own solo arrangement, simply by linking together the progressions they like best.

Below is a sample to view. Because Jerry Sinclair’s song is under copyright, and there is a license fee involved, please purchase the entire set of 40 progresions in order to use or perform this song.

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Piano, Harp


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