IDEAS: Summer

SUMMER TIME! …or how to extend summer into fall.

Owl’s Head

Summer is my favorite time of year in our young children’s Sunday School classes.  Our church uses the “Show Me Jesus” curriculum, by Great Commission Publications.  I supplement that curriculum with songs I’ve written to accompany specific lessons (which I hope to make available to you soon), as well as hymns and songs appropriate for the season.

Just think: many families will go camping or take trips this summer, and a good number of them will pack a flashlight.  Think of how much fun a flashlight is for a child on a summer night! This thought inspired me to use “This Little Light of Mine” for the month of July, which lead me to create a LIGHT theme.   I originally used mini flashlights that say, “Jesus Is the Light of the World” from Oriental Trading Post  One time, I even found brand name mini LED Skill flashlights in bulk on a discount website.

When I sing with the 2s/3s and 4s/5s, we don’t turn off the flashlights:  I find it easier to simply cover the light with one hand and reveal the light as needed.

JULY LIGHT songs for 2s/3s

  • This Little Light of Mine, all verses
  • Jesus Bids Us Shine
  • The Light of the World is Jesus
  • Curriculum specific:  10 Commandments (my original: sheet music available)
  • Curriculum specific:  Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho

JULY LIGHT songs for 4s/5s

  • This Little Light of Mine, all verses
  • Shine, Jesus Shine
  • Thy Word: walk around room in the dark with children; then turn on flashlights and shine them at your feet.  What a difference!  Then sing.
  • Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

To download a LIGHT handout for parents, click here:

AUGUST OCEAN songs 2s/3s:  I continue to use flashlights but add ocean songs.  At end of month, I let kids keep flashlights and send a note home to parents, sharing songs we sang in July & August.

  • Deep & Wide
  • Jesus Wants Me for a Lighthouse:  variation of Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam. Cover lights.  Reveal light whenever you sing the word “light.”  If you ever visit a lighthouse, take pictures.  My students love seeing pictures of me at lighthouse!
  • O The Deep, Deep Love:  this one is great to make up your own motions.  Kids love doing motions with the light!
  • It Is Well With My Soul
  • Curriculum specific:  Have you ever seen a fire so hot?  (my original: email for sheet music)

AUGUST OCEAN songs 4s/5s

  • Do any of songs for 2s/3s, adding more hymn verses
  • Wonderful Grace of Jesus

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If you teach PIANO or HARP, consider using the “Breakers” song out of Michael Aaron’s Piano Course Grade 2, page 33. The first time I taught this song for piano, I immediately thought it would be beautiful on harp because it uses broken chords. Imitating the building, crashing and receding ocean waves is a great way to teach musicality, too.